Monday, July 27, 2009

Just Wash Your Hands People

You would think that in a world that is so enlightened scientifically and culturally more people would actually wash their hands after using the restroom. Unfortunately this is an epidemic which spans out across our population.

As a man I constantly witness men walking away from urinals and marching straight out the door. I still find this utterly disgusting, but I also hear from my wife that women often do this as well. This may be even more disgusting because a man could piss without really touching anything but his clothes if he was really careful. How does a woman wipe herself after pissing without some crossover to her hand? My wife told me last week that one of the teenage girls who works with my seven year old son at Tae Kwon Do walked out of the restroom without washing her hands. Then this girl is touching children as she helps them put their belts on. Disgusting! It's even more disgusting when (man or woman) takes a shit and walks out without washing his or her hands.

Living in Las Vegas I sometimes make my way to a casino or two. Casino restrooms house an abundance of people who use the facilities and then walk out without washing. With so many people drinking, the chances people using the restroom must strengthen. Now these same foul individuals are out in the casino touching the games, the cards, the dice, and the handles of the spoons in the buffets. Other people are touching these same surfaces and eating with their hands at the buffet, placing cigarettes up to their mouths, or using their hands in other activities in which these germs transfer to their facial area. I suggest that these casinos hire a bathroom witness whose job it is to just stand there and give shit to anyone who tries to walk out of the bathroom without washing his or her hands. How many of these foul individuals would suddenly wash out of fear of being judged? I'm sure not all, but I would bet a hell of a lot less germs would be floating around out on the casino floor and in the eateries.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Haunting Facts

Over the past couple of weeks I not only watched the movie "The Haunting in Connecticut" but a couple of "A Haunting..." TV programs. I watch the programs almost as comedies because the crap that these people spout out is hilarious. For the record, I do not truly believe in ghosts, but the entertainment value of these programs cannot be denied.

First off, the people in these programs come across as idiots who do not stay consistent in their stories. For example, the last one I saw had a woman who stated near the end of the program that she was an atheist but now believes in the afterlife because of her haunting experience. At the beginning of the program, the same woman was telling a story about how her child was scared before she realized the ghostly activity, and she said some prayers with the child. Now maybe I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that atheists don't say prayers to God with their children. Speaking of atheists, how come they never are haunted. It's always some God fearing christian (never Catholic) whose own reverend or preacher is unequipped to deal with an exorcism. Then this old couple, the Warrens I believe, who study supernatural phenomena come in with their own priest and save the day after a showdown.

My favorite is when a demon is haunting the home and giving the family messages such as "Get out". What the hell does a demon want with a house, especially in this economy? I thought demons wanted to corrupt humankind, not build their property portfolio. At least if a demon is going to infiltrate a house, why wouldn't it pick a multimillion dollar estate rather than a falling apart 100 year old dwelling?

I also like how the air gets chilly cold when the demon is near. I thought demons came from Hell which is supposed to be hot not cold. If demons can harness the power of chilly air, why is Hell filled with fire and brimstone rather than icebergs and penguins? I lived in Arizona and Nevada for the majority of my life, and I often find myself wishing I had one of these demons in the summer months. Free AC baby!