Tuesday, March 24, 2009

It Ain't Easy Being Green

Green this and green that! Green seems to be the new buzz word floating off the lips of our nation's former tree huggers (and unfortunately everyone else too). From everything between eco friendly kitchen cleaner to new ways to shade your yard and save energy, we are the decade of green. The only question is: how do we stop the madness?

I was born in the mid 1970's, so I don't have a plethera of memories to draw from for that decade. I do have pretty strong memories of the nation's ways from the 80's on. In the 1980's I remember Yuppies and great spending. People were out to satisfy themselves. Screw the rest of them all. By the 90's, technology rang supreme. Computers and cell phones exploded. The Internet could be found everywhere. By the turn of the millenium, we went back to our wasteful spending ways, yet we seemed to make a lot of poor choices. For example, is it wise to get a home loan that will double in three years based on the idea that you can sell the house and never have to pay the huge mortgage? Not so much. We are ending the decade of dumbass choices.

So how do we make up for that idiocracy? We make everything green. We're going to save the planet from what we and our predecessors have done to it. Now don't get me wrong. I'm all for saving the planet. I just don't need the word green slammed in my face when I turn on the TV or read the paper. And if we're going to do this, can we at least get green crap that is somewhat as useful as the old non-green crap I used to use. I tried eco friendly dishwasher detergent. It stuck forming a thick film on my dishes. I tried those swirly lightbulbs, but for whatever reason, they stop working in certain sockets if left on too long. They don't burn out. The corkscrew lightbulbs just don't work in that specific socket anymore. It like the socket and the bulb had a tiffy fit and refuse to work with each other anymore. I always end up putting my old lightbulbs back in.

If we're going to transcend into the "Save the World" decade, can we at least create stuff that saves me the trouble of having to replace the green items with my old stuff again? Save us the bullshit first.

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