Saturday, April 18, 2009

Do Dogs Really Have the Keenest Sense of Smell?

Dogs are used for all sorts of jobs based on their ability to smell even the slightest of odors. Police dogs sniff out drugs and other harmful materials. Hunting dogs use their miraculous noses to scout out animals for their masters. All sorts of duties are placed on dogs because of their fine sense of smell, but do they really have that great of a nose? I really don't think so.

First off, dogs sniff each other's butts. Don't you think that if dogs had the wonder noses that they are proclaimed to have, that they would keep those things as far away from another dog's butt as possible? I've also seen dogs drink out of the toilet and eat crap. Now I'm no Einstein, but I'm pretty sure that there is a correlation between the sense of smell and the sense of taste. One would be led to believe that if a dog can smell the shit, then it's not going to consume it.

Furthermore, have you ever been around a dog that blows so much ass that the room clears? Dogs can provide some of the foulest stenches known to man, yet they continue to lay on the floor like nothing is even happening around them. They won't even bat an eye lash as their butt defiles the world around them. Does that sound like they have a fine sense of smell?

I submit that dogs' keen sense of smell only pertains to certain types of smells. They can sense the pheromones of a animal because they want to eat the animal. They can smell the odor of illicit narcotics because they are junkies. But they just can't smell the rancid odor of ass.

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